Beneficiary Introductions... IJM

We are thrilled to share the next beneficiary of Kershaw's Challenge - International Justice Mission.  Our focus for IJM will be in the Dominican Republic office to help fund their rescue and restore efforts.  Clayton first visited the DR several years ago and knew we had to get involved.



IJM’s mission is to protect the poor from violence by rescuing victims, bringing criminals to justice, restoring survivors to safety and strength, and helping local law enforcement build a safe future that lasts. They are doing remarkable work of rescuing and restoring children trapped in sex slavery in the DR. Specifically, our contribution would allow for the rescue of 9 boys and girls, restore 18 survivors, restrain 13 suspects, and secure the convictions of 13 traffickers. Our support would also begin the system reform program to improve aftercare services and enhance investigations.

To learn more about IJM and their worldwide impact, click here.

We'd love your help in raising funds to help IJM and our other worthy beneficiaries!  Click here to donate.

Ellen Kershaw